Bankruptcy Credit Cards and Debt Relief from Credit Card debt is possible by filing Bankruptcy. If you are tired of the endless phone calls and and not making a dent in paying down your credit cards, then Bankruptcy may be right for you! Further, you are not alone in having credit card debt.  In 2006 a survey conducted by Survey of Consumer Finances by the U.S. Federal Reserve showed that the mean household credit card debt was $5700. Here in Florida, the average credit card debt was $5754. There are many reasons for carrying large amounts of credit card debt. At Walker Law Firm, P.A.,  the most common reason our client’s inquire about Bankruptcy Credit cards and debt relief is loss of employment and the use of credit cards to pay living expenses. Other reasons I hear, is lack of discipline using credit cards. However, regardless of the reason, with a Chapter 7 filing,  at the conclusion of the process, the Debtor’s receives a discharge and pays nothing to the Creditors.  While you may think this sounds to be good to be true, it is true. However, there is an exception. Certain Credit Card agreements maintain a security interest in the purchased item (similar to a car loan). Typically you see this in jewelry stores and others where large household items such as appliances are involved. In these instances, when the Bankruptcy petition is filed, the Debtor can reaffirm the debt, in other words, continue paying, or return the items and no longer be responsible for payment. At Walker Law Firm, P.A., I will guide you through the entire process explaining each of your options and help you decide the best outcome for your situation. Call Attorney Edwin M. Walker III for a free telephone consultation and start the journey towards the ridding yourself of debt and a fresh financial start!

Tax Refunds Bankruptcy and your tax refund. This time of year many debtors receive a tax refund. This presents an opportunity for someone looking to file Bankruptcy with a West Palm Beach Bankruptcy Attorney. One of the difficulties debtor’s face is coming up with the funds to pay for a Bankruptcy filing and to retain a West Palm Beach Bankruptcy Attorney. If you are expecting a Tax Refund, often times debtor’s will use those funds to pay for their Bankruptcy Filing.

Tax Refunds Bankruptcy

Now is the time to move forward and get rid of your debts! One of the questions I am often asked is what happens if I expect or have received a Tax Refund.  debtor can use those funds to pay for living expenses and to hire a West Palm Beach Bankruptcy attorney to guide you through the process and get you a discharge from your debts. Debtors who do not have homestead property are entitled to a $4,000 personal property exemption, which can include your tax refund.

West Palm Beach Bankruptcy Attorney

West Palm Bankruptcy Attorney Ed Walker is here to help you through the entire process.  Call us for a free telephone consultation to determine if Bankruptcy is the right option for you and, if yes, whether Chapter 7 or 13 is appropriate. We offer payment options to start the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process and Chapter 13 bankruptcies include payment plan options through the Court.

Trying to navigate the Bankruptcy process on your own can be a difficult process. There are numerous complicated schedules that must be prepared and additional supporting documentation must also be included as well. Hiring a West Palm Beach Bankruptcy Attorney to handle your case will save you time and aggravation. Don’t delay call or e-mail Walker Law Firm, P.A. 

Can I Keep My Tax Refund in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Choosing Bankruptcy Attorney selection can be a daunting task.  There is a lot of  West Palm Beach Bankruptcy Attorney out there.

When considering a bankruptcy attorney, some firms will advertise gimmicks such as no money down or unrealistic low prices. However, when you read the fine print,  it will say they won’t start working your bankruptcy case until it is paid in full or  that the price doesn’t include filing fees or credit reports. Also, be sure that they don’t try to charge you for additional bankruptcy services you don’t need.

I am with you every step of the way!

More importantly, you need to find a bankruptcy attorney that will be there with you from start to finish. A recent trend I’ve observed is out of area bankruptcy firms marketing to the West Palm Beach area and at hearing time, the debtor arrives to find counsel he or she have never met before. This can be very frustrating and cause added stress.

Five Must Haves in Bankruptcy Lawyer

When you choose Walker Law Firm, P.A., I will be with you from start to finish and most importantly be with you during 341 meeting.

Bankruptcy Attorney

Walker Law Firm, P.A. offers our clients flat fees. For our Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Clients we offer a payment plan to start the Bankruptcy process. For Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filers, part of your retainer fee can be paid through the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee Payment plan.

Walker Law Firm, P.A.  offers no pressure, hassle free phone consultation. Call today at 561-689-1512 and speak with Attorney Edwin “Ed” Walker. Choosing Your Bankruptcy Attorney is an important matter call us to see  why Walker Law Firm, P.A. should be your firm  to guide you through these difficult stressful financial times.

Bankruptcy protection provides relief to people and companies from their debt burden. The process provides a helping hand to people who have fallen deep into the debt hole. Through a bankruptcy protection, you can eliminate at least some of the financial obligations to help reboot your financial life.

That being said, there are certain negative consequences of Filing Bankruptcy. Typically you won’t be able to get a loan to purchase a house right away and interest rates for car loans may be higher. Credit Scores are impacted, due to past due debts. However, your credit score rebuilds quickly if you take certain steps:

That’s why it’s important that you take steps to significantly improve your credit score if you want to be able to take out loans to meet future financial obligations. Following are five simple steps that you can take to improve your credit score after bankruptcy. Continue reading

When thinking about bankruptcy, what words come to your mind? Zero bank balance? Humiliation? Failure?

The reality is that bankruptcy is not that scary or frightening as it has been built up to be. Once you understand the basic facts about bankruptcy, you will find that it’s not that difficult as it may seem.

In some cases, you may find that bankruptcy is the only choice you have to avoid facing the wrath of creditors. Here we will reveal to you 3 basic facts about bankruptcy protection that will help you in deciding whether it is right for you. Continue reading

A number of people wrongly presume that filing for bankruptcy is like contacting your rich uncle to bail you out of debt. The truth is that the step to file for bankruptcy is taken as a last resort to request for clemency against the debt burden. Individuals should file for bankruptcy when they are facing extreme financial difficulties in paying back the debt.

When filing for bankruptcy protection there are certain mistakes that you should avoid. Committing these mistakes will make your bankruptcy discharge case less effective or even make you ineligible for getting relief from debt.

Following are 5 common mistakes that you should definitely avoid when filing for bankruptcy protection plan. Continue reading

Bankruptcy is regarded as the final and last resort for the management of personal debts. However, filing a case for bankruptcy is often the only solution you have available to deal with your financial debt problems. This is because it helps you to evaluate your current financial position and get rid of the burden of personal debts.

Nevertheless, prior to filing a bankruptcy, it is also important to evaluate the clauses and requirements that are associated with filing a case. These requirements will help you in assessing your particular situation and determine the possibility of bankruptcy. Often, people are not genuinely eligible for bankruptcy and not knowing about this fact can lead to further problems for a person who is in debt. Continue reading

Being bankrupt is not something to be proud of, but it is not the end of the world either. Thus, in order to deal with a bankruptcy, it is essential to hire an attorney who is the best in their field. An experienced attorney from Walker Law Firm will help you by providing the best possible solution for your bankruptcy case. Our attorney will also boost your morale with a positive and effective strategy that has been tested and tried here in the local West Palm Beach bankruptcy courts.

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Declaring yourself bankrupt is a very difficult task, but choosing between the chapters of bankruptcies is even more difficult. In most cases, the choice is not yours so it is better to let the court decide. But ask your bankruptcy lawyer from Walker Law to guide you about the legal technicalities of both chapters.

For the most part, debtors opt for Chapter 7 bankruptcy as it is comparatively easier. Continue reading